EP: Astigmatism Management around the World


Dr Ben LaHood (Australia) and Ms Lucia Pelosini (UK) discuss the effective strategies for managing astigmatism. They delve into key aspects such as patient assessment, selection processes, and the treatment of astigmatism in regular and irregular eyes. They also analyse the latest data on the RayOne EMV Toric and share invaluable insights to help achieve optimal outcomes with toric IOLs.


Dr Ben LaHood (host)
Dr Ben LaHood, refractive cataract and laser vision correction surgeon from Australia, has gained international recognition for his extensive research on astigmatism management and biometry, which is regularly shared around the world. Additionally, Dr Ben LaHood is the host of two widely popular ophthalmology-themed podcasts.

Ms Lucia Pelosini  (guest)
Ms Lucia Pelosini is a Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in the UK. Ms Pelosini has extensive experience in both corneal-based and lens-based refractive surgery techniques and is an educational and clinical supervisor for Junior doctors and fellows of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists in London.

Key Takeaways:

  • Thresholds for treating astigmatism: Ms Pelosini emphasises the significance of addressing astigmatism in patients regardless of its severity. The utilisation of toric IOLs enables surgeons to enhance visual outcomes for individuals with both mild and severe astigmatism, rather than simply swapping poor vision caused by cataracts with poor vision caused by astigmatism.
  • Astigmatism and depth of focus: Dr LaHood and Ms Pelosini agree that the notion of leaving patients with a certain level of astigmatism to achieve depth of focus is a misconception. Nowadays, surgeons have access to more sophisticated solutions on the market, such as RayOne EMV and trifocal lenses, which they can utilise to achieve better visual outcomes.
  • Patient outcomes with RayOne Toric (60 patients): Ms Pelosini summarises her clinical findings of 60 patients who underwent implantation with the RayOne Toric IOL. Her results affirm that there were no cases of regression or the necessity for IOL rotation or adjustment, indicating the dependable stability of the RayOne Toric.
  • Enhancing toric IOL outcomes: Dr LaHood and Ms Pelosini share valuable recommendations for improving patient outcomes. They emphasise the significance of evaluating the ocular surface during the patient selection, obtaining precise measurements, ensuring the appropriate size of capsulorhexis for stability, thorough removal of OVD, and diligent postoperative evaluation. These tips contribute to optimising the success of toric IOL procedures.
  • RayOne EMV Toric: Ms Pelosini outlines the benefits of the RayOne EMV Toric IOL, specifically highlighting its “loop” haptic design. This design offers advantages such as preventing posterior capsule shrinkage and enhancing lens stability within the capsular bag. Additionally, Dr LaHood and Ms Pelosini agree that a lower cylinder value of 0.75 diopters, which is lower than what most lens manufacturers typically offer, is optimal for achieving favorable results.

Connect with Dr Ben LaHood on social:
Dr Ben LaHood (@drbenlahood) | Instagram
Ben LaHood | LinkedIn

Connect with Ms Lucia Pelosini on social:
Lucia Pelosini | LinkedIn