Rayner Growth in North America (Canada)
Posted on 21/01/2021
Worthing, UK – Following the recent approval of incorporation, Rayner is proud to announce its direct entry into the Canadian ophthalmology market.
Led by Wade Allen, Director: Americas, Rayner Surgical Corp will now be offering the Rayner portfolio of IOLs and injectors directly to Canadian surgeons.
Rayner Surgical Corp has recently had the RayOne Aspheric fully preloaded monofocal IOL approved for sale by Health Canada and are expecting imminent approval for the full range of RayOne fully preloaded IOLs, consisting of:
- RayOne EMV premium monofocal IOL
- RayOne Hydrophobic aspheric monofocal IOL
- RayOne Spheric monofocal IOL
- RayOne Toric IOL
- RayOne Trifocal IOL
- RayOne Trifocal Toric IOL
What does this mean for surgeons in Canada?
Having only recently been incorporated, Rayner Surgical Corp already has a growing team of professional Ophthalmic Specialist Territory Managers dedicated exclusively to the Rayner portfolio. They are focused on delivering the highest levels of service and support, as well as developing and harnessing a greater knowledge of customer requirements in Canada.
Through serving the Canadian cataract market directly, surgeons can expect new opportunities for training, feedback, and additional focus on unique platforms like RayPRO: a free contactless telehealth solution that effortlessly collects three years’ worth of Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) after cataract surgery. Rayner Surgical Corp will build a network of key opinion leaders (KOLs) within Canada, generating valuable collaborative partnerships and identifying new opportunities in IOL design and innovation.
Dr Davin Johnson, Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, commented: “Rayner’s direct entry into Canada is an exciting development for Canadian Ophthalmologists. Rayner offers an extensive diversity of high quality IOLs that is unparalleled in the degree of customization and extended range availability. I especially look forward to trialling Rayner’s line of presbyopia correcting IOLs in early 2021.”
Strategic Importance of Canadian market
With a 5-year plan to grow Rayner to over three times its current size, the strategy for moving to a direct-entry model in Canada is integral to achieving this goal.
At 14.6 per thousand, Canada has the highest cataract surgery rate in the world1, and the availability of Rayner’s complete range of fully preloaded lenses – covering everything from hydrophobic and hydrophilic monofocal IOLs through to multiple presbyopia-correcting IOL alternatives – will give surgeons a full portfolio of options to improve visual outcomes for clinicians and patients.
Rayner CEO, Tim Clover, commented: “Our new Canadian business will enable us to not only serve Canadian surgeons better with our latest range of products, but it enables us to get closer to innovations and ideas generated in such an important market. Wade Allen and Sam van Roon are a formidable team in North America and we look forward to growing our presence over the coming years.”
Rayner’s 2016 move to its purpose-built global head office, R&D hub and large-scale manufacturing facility, will support their ambitious plans to expand their direct business on a global scale.
About Rayner
Rayner designs and manufactures intraocular lenses (IOLs) as well as other ophthalmic solutions for use across the cataract patient clinical pathway. In partnership with Sir Harold Ridley, Rayner made the world’s first intraocular lens in 1949.
With over 70 years of continuous growth and experience, we remain at the forefront of innovation. We are focussed on providing the best visual outcomes for clinicians and patients. We are driven by science to improve performance and safety.
Headquartered in Worthing, United Kingdom, Rayner markets its IOL portfolio and related products worldwide in over 80 countries through a network of distributors as well as direct sales teams in the United Kingdom, USA & Canada, Germany & Austria, Italy, Spain and Portugal.
For general enquiries or to arrange an interview, please contact marketingteam@rayner.com.
Not all Rayner products are approved for sale in every country. Please contact your local Rayner distributor for details of which products are available in your area.
©2021 Rayner. Rayner, RayOne and RayPRO are proprietary marks of Rayner. Rayner Intraocular Lenses Limited, 10 Dominion Way, Worthing, West Sussex, BN14 8AQ. Registered in England: 615539. EC 2020-143
- Canada Market Scope Report 2019: p1.