Open Brexit letter from Rayner CEO
Posted on 4/09/2018
In response from the letter received from the RtHon Matt Hancock MP, Secretary of State for Health:
Rayner is a UK headquartered business and the only manufacturer of intraocular lenses (IOLs) in the UK, producing at a rate of one million IOLs annually in Worthing, West Sussex. It follows that we are uniquely placed to offer stability of supply during this unprecedented period of uncertainty. As a long-established business with our factory and products inspected and certified by BSI and approved by the US FDA, we routinely engage and work closely with our key suppliers to pre-empt any potential supply issues.
Our supply review now includes active and ongoing board-level analysis of risks specific to Brexit. Reassuringly for our customers and as an avid supporter of the British medical industry, the vast majority of Rayner’s supply chain is UK based, which means the residual risk of supply disruption, even in a ‘no-deal’ Brexit scenario, is relatively low. Nonetheless, in an initiative that will mitigate the risk even further, we are embarking on a stock-building exercise to bolster our UK inventory over the next 12 months. Accordingly, through a combination of active risk management and the geographic make-up of our supply chain, we do not see there being a risk of disruption for any of our product lines due to Brexit.
We are always keen to engage directly with our customers on any matters relating to the supply of Rayner products. In the first instance please contact brexit@rayner.com and we will ensure that your needs are dealt with urgently.
Tim Clover
CEO – Rayner Surgical Group Limited