
Access a large selection of articles, case studies and white papers written by world-renowned surgeons, sharing their personal experiences, clinical data and pearls of wisdom on premium cataract and refractive surgery solutions. If you would like to contribute an article to Peer2Peer, please speak to your Rayner representative or or contact

Delivering a Dropless Pathway in Cataract Surgery

Kourtney Houser and John Hovanesian discuss how dropless therapy regimens with OMIDRIA® equal – and can potentially exceed – the current standard of care in cataract surgery regimens.

Blocking the Inflammatory Cascade

Dr. Donnenfeld sheds light on the myriad of benefits of integrating OMIDRIA in cataract surgery, encompassing a reduced postoperative drop regimen and an enhanced patient journey.

Making Cataract Surgery Child’s Play

Dr. Wilson shares his study results demonstrating that OMIDRIA is safe for use in children and maintained mydrias during cataract surgery.

Controlling postoperative inflammation and associated complications with OMIDRIA

Dr. Visco discusses the surgical and patient benefits of continuous intracameral administration of OMIDRIA.

Effects of OMIDRIA on postoperative CME, iritis, pain, and photophobia

This retrospective study shows that patients receiving OMIDRIA and topical NSAID without postoperative topical steroids had lower rates of CME, breakthrough iritis, and pain after cataract surgery when compared with conventional perioperative topical steroids.

The role of non-opioid alternatives in cataract surgery pain management

This retrospective study demonstrated a reduction in the quantity of opioids prescribed for patients receiving OMIDRIA during cataract surgery. The study also hypothesized that the use of OMIDRIA intraoperatively may decrease patient exposure to opioids after cataract surgery as well as the volume of pills potentially diverted into the community.

Pain control and reduction of opioid use with OMIDRIA

This prospective study demonstrated that patients treated with OMIDRIA had a statistically significant lower use of fentanyl intraoperatively while also experiencing significantly less pain than those treated with epinephrine.


OMIDRIA® is added to ophthalmic irrigating solution used during cataract surgery or intraocular lens replacement and is indicated for maintaining pupil size by preventing intraoperative miosis and reducing postoperative ocular pain.


OMIDRIA must be added to irrigating solution prior to intraocular use.

OMIDRIA is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to any of its ingredients.

Systemic exposure to phenylephrine may cause elevations in blood pressure.

Use OMIDRIA with caution in individuals who have previously exhibited sensitivities to acetylsalicylic acid, phenylacetic acid derivatives, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), or have a past medical history of asthma.

The most commonly reported adverse reactions at ≥ 2% are eye irritation, posterior capsule opacification, increased intraocular pressure, and anterior chamber inflammation.

Please see the Full Prescribing Information for OMIDRIA.

You are encouraged to report Suspected Adverse Reactions to the FDA. Visit, or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

This site is intended for US Physician educational purposes only, using scientific exchange around the OMIDRIA experience.

Rayner, the Rayner logo, OMIDRIA, the OMIDRIA logo, and OMIDRIAssure are proprietary marks of Rayner. ©2023 Rayner Group, all rights reserved. US-OM-2200071v4 11/23