
Gain invaluable insights from leading ophthalmic surgeons around the world.


Challenges of Topical Cataract Surgery Regimens
Dr Grupta

Dropless Cataract Surergy Opportunities
Dr Grupta

Dropless Regimens: What Has Been Missing?
Dr Yeu

Dropless Cataract Surgery Regimens: The Future Is Bright
Dr Grupta

Dropless Cataract Regimens: Delivering a Patient Focused Experience
Dr Yeu

Post -Operative Cataract Surgery Drop Challenges
Dr Yeu

OMIDRIA benefits you and your patients
Dr Walter

IFIS – Risk Patient
Dr Jackson

Patients At-Risk of IFIS
Dr Silverstein

Dropless Strategies with OMIDRIA
Dr McCabe & Dr Singh

OMIDRIA’s intra-and postoperative experience
Dr Wiley & Dr Hura

Modern Solution for Modern Cataract Surgery
Dr Endl

OMIDRIA: Evolving the Landscape
Dr Donnenfeld

Elevating Cataract Surgery Efficiency and Outcomes
Dr Sturbaum

Unlocking Better Outcomes
Dr Stonecipher

Enhancing Patient Comfort and Surgeon’s Ease in Cataract Surgery
Dr Kontos

Key Factors for Successful Cataract Surgery
Dr Katsev

Optimizing Cataract Surgery Outcomes
Dr Bucci

Mitigating Challenges and Optimizing Cataract Surgery
Dr Olsen

OMIDRIA: Shattering Boundaries
Dr Donaldson

Enhancing Patient Experience: The Impact of OMIDRIA in Cataract Surgery
Dr Nikpoor

Minimizing Unexpected Events for Better Outcomes
Dr McCabe

Predictability and Simplicity: Dr. Greenwood’s OMIDRIA Story
Dr Greenwood

8 Years with OMIDRIA: Simplifying Surgery
Dr Jackson

Dr. Singh on Cataract Surgery Insights
Dr Singh


OMIDRIA: A Dual Perspective
Dr Wagle & ASC Administrator Heather Higendorf-Cooley

One Solution, Many Applications
Dr McCabe & Dr Shamie

More than meets the eye
Dr McCabe & Dr Shamie

Taking the OMIDRIA surgical day challenge
Dr McCabe & Dr Shamie

OMIDRIA Exceeds Expectations
Dr Metzinger

OMIDRIA’s Effect on Intra and Post Operative Complications
Dr Metzinger

Steroid Sparing Experience
Dr Metzinger

See why Drs. Wiley and Hura started using OMIDRIA
Dr Wiley & Dr Hura

The Proof Is in the Post-Op
Dr Wiley & Dr Hura

One Vial, Lasting Effects
Dr Wiley & Dr Hura

Interaoperative Miosis is Unpredicatable
Dr Matossian

Hyperopia + Tamsulosin
Dr Singh

Dr. Visco shares how OMIDRIA can benefit your practice
Dr Visco

The impact of pupillary miosis on cataract surgery
Dr Silverstein

Drs. Visco And Walter discuss OMIDRIA study results
Dr Visco & Dr Walter

Why I Choose OMIDRIA
Dr Walter

Hear Dr. Silverstein share OMIDRIA study results
Dr Silverstein