Filtered results

Gain invaluable insights from leading ophthalmic surgeons around the world.


Dr Kendall Donaldson: RayOne EMV, Quality without Compromise: Targeting for Success
Dr Donaldson


Dr Karolinne Rocha: Optical Performance and Wavefront Analysis of RayOne EMV
Dr Rocha


2-Minute Highlights of Rayner’s ASCRS Symposium: Balancing Vision Quality & Quantity
Dr Rocha, Dr Zaldivar, Dr Wiley, Dr Donaldson


RayOne EMV implantation by Mr Vincenzo Maurino
Mr Maurino

Prof Barrett’s Latest Chapter

Professor Graham Barrett’s indelible mark on ophthalmology continues...

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Prof Dirisamer Shares Experience with HASA OPTIX
Prof Dirisamer


Dr Francois Xavier Crahay Shares Experience with HASA OPTIX
Dr Crahay


Prof Mayer: Ahead of the Curve in IOL Optics Design with RayOne EMV
Prof Mayer


Prof Auffarth: Insights & Unique Features of RayOne EMV
Prof Auffarth


Dr Blomberg: Utilising RayOne EMV & RayPRO to Improve Patient Outcomes
Dr Blomberg

Extending Range of Vision with Advanced Technology IOLs

Advanced technology IOLs like the RayOne EMV are...

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Dr A. Dmitriew -wykład na temat RayOne EMV
Dr Dmitriew


Dr B. Markuszewski -wypowiedź na temat RayOne EMV
Dr Markuszewski


Dr n. med. A. Kardaszewska- wypowiedź na temat RayOne EMV
Dr Kardaszewska

Focusing on functional vision with monofocal lenses

Mr Sanjay Mantry concludes that recent innovations in...

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RayOne EMV & RayPRO Symposium Highlights: Synergising Clinical Data and PROMs
Prof Priglinger, Prof Abela-Formanek, Ms Laginaf & Dr Dmitriew


Życie po zabiegu usunięcia zaćmy z zastosowaniem RayOne EMV?
Dr Pasternak


Czy wybór soczewki jendoogniskowej ma znaczenie?
Dr Markuszewskiego


Prof. dr hab. n. med. Edward Wylęgała – podsumowuje sympozjum CORNEA 2024
Prof. dr hab. n. med. Edward Wylęgała


Real-world outcomes with RayOne EMV: Synergising clinical data and PROMs
Prof Priglinger, Prof Abela-Formanek, Ms Laginaf & Dr Dmitriew

RayOne EMV: Clinical Results after Binocular Implantation

A retrospective case series study was conducted by...

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Dr Desai & Dr Stonecipher: Optimizing Complex Cases with RayOne EMV
Dr Desai & Dr Stonecipher


Prof Barrett Answers RayOne EMV FAQs
Prof Barrett & Prof Dr Can


Prof Amon & Dr Mercanti: The concept of Sulcoflex
Prof Amon & Dr Mercanti

Why the RayOne Aspheric IOL is Ticking All the Boxes

Dr Thomas Reynolds shares his thoughts and experience...

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Can An IOL Enhance Operating Room Efficiency And Patient Satisfaction?

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RayOne EMV First International Clinical Results

This white paper summarises the initial clinical results...

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A Clinical Comparison of RayOne EMV and TECNIS Eyhance

A white paper summarising the initial clinical results...

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RayOne EMV A New Direction in Presbyopia Correction

A roundtable discussion on the benefits of this...

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Leading Surgeons Evaluate the Effectiveness of Sulcoflex Trifocal

A white paper that details a prospective multicentre...

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Initial Experience with RayOne EMV by Dr Šalamun and Dr Umari

Real world surgeon experience with the RayOne EMV...

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Initial Experience with RayOne EMV by Dr Amina Garcia (Spain)

Real world surgeon experience with the RayOne EMV...

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Initial Experience with an Enhanced Monofocal IOL: A Perspective From Dr Friande

Real world surgeon experience with the RayOne EMV...

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Promising Outcomes with a New Strategy for Extended Depth of Focus Monovision by Dr Brito

Real world surgeon experience with the RayOne EMV...

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RayOne EMV surgeon experience – Dr. Josefina Botta

RayOne EMV surgeon experience

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Eine neue Linse für die erweiterete Monovision

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Enhance Your Dry Eye Treatment Options with AEON Tear Film Therapies by Ms Thomson

Purvi Thomson, Specialist Optometrist at OCL Vision, explains...

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Optimised Monovision: Greater Depth of Focus and Fewer Compromises with RayOne EMV by Dr Wiley

Dr Wiley shares his experience with RayOne EMV...

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Extending The Range Of Functional Vision For Cataract Patients by Dr Heersink

Dr Heersink discusses how advanced IOL designs are...

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Achieving Extended Depth of Focus with Monovision

Drs Lucio Buratto and Manuel Domingues provide their...

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The Value of Capturing Data and Tracking Outcomes Dr Schimitzek

Dr Thilo Schimitzek shares his thoughts on the...

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New IOL Offers Greater Spectacle Independence Over Wider Range by Dr Burrato

Patients desire spectacle independence at all distances. Dr...

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How to Choose the Right Presbyopia Correction Solution for your Patients by Dr Llovet

Dr Fernando Llovet, Prof Ramin Khoramnia, Mr Sheraz...

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Clinical Outcomes After Duet Procedure for Reversible Trifocality

Clinical outcomes of patients who had primary lens...

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Innovaciones en lentes monovisión plus como alternativa a los IOL trifocales (ES)

Innovaciones en lentes monovisión plus como alternativa a...

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Harnessing Big Data to Track Patient Reported Outcomes, (Part I)

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Cataract Patients: Insights from 2 Years Post Pandemic and Outlook for the Future

The pandemic has contributed to a decrease in...

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Highlights from Rayner’s Trifocal User Meeting in Seoul, South Korea

Media Mice coverage of Rayner's Trifocal User Meeting...

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Joint Symposium of the APACRS, ASCRS and ESCRS: A Balance of Quality and Depth of Focus

Combined Symposium of Cataract & Refractive Societies. In...

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Enhance Your Patient Experience by Offering the Right Mix of IOLs by Dr Kroncke

Dr Wilhelm Kroncke (Germany) explains that careful clinic...

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A New Lens Option for Enhanced Monovision Performance by Mr Stuart

Patients who present for cataract surgery are increasingly...

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EDOF Lens Technology is Evolving to Help More Patients with Intermediate Vision

Assistant Prof. of ophthalmology Basak Bostanci discusses her...

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Dr Bostanci On the Considerations When Using IOLs in Patients with Complex Corneas

Patients are increasingly expressing their desire for spectacle...

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Rayner Advanced Technology IOLs: Managing the Patient Pre-Op Conversation

Mr Allon Barsam and Mr Andrew Turnbull (UK)...

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Dr Qin “Defective Instruments Would Be Found Once Or Twice A Day”

An exclusive interview with Dr Vincent Quinn, a...

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Early Experience With the RayOne EMV Toric IOL

This article shares the viewpoints of two leading...

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Beyond Monofocal Optics, New Standard in Cataract Surgery with Monofocal Plus IOLs

In this article, Dr Dmitriew discusses the characteristics...

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Micromonovision with Non-Diffractive Enhanced Monofocal IOLs

Results from a retrospective study of the first...

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Add-On IOLs Bring Added Benefits

The primary and secondary implantation procedures which offer...

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RayOne EMV IOL launches in New Zealand

The much-anticipated enhanced monofocal IOL, RayOne EMV and...

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The Advantages of Hydrophillic Acrylic IOLs

This article delves into the current discourse surrounding...

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RayOne EMV Preliminary Report of Visual Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction

Evaluating the visual outcomes and patient satisfacton after...

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Extending The Range Of Functional Vision For Cataract Patients by Dr Heersink

Dr Sebastian Heersink (US) discusses how advanced...

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Optimised Monovision: Greater Depth of Focus and Fewer Compromises with RayOne EMV by Dr Wiley

Dr William Wiley (US) shares his experience with...

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Leading Surgeons Evaluate the Effectiveness of Sulcoflex Trifocal

A white paper that details a prospective multicentre...

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Promising Outcomes with a New Strategy for Extended Depth of Focus Monovision by Dr Brito

Dr Pedro Brito (Portugal) addresses how some patients...

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Initial Experience with an Enhanced Monofocal IOL: A Perspective From Dr Friande

Dr António Friande from Portugal discusses the increasing...

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Initial Experience with RayOne EMV by Dr Amina Garcia (Spain)

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Initial Experience with RayOne EMV by Dr Šalamun and Dr Umari

Slovenian surgeons Dr Franci Šalamun and Dr...

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RayOne EMV A New Direction in Presbyopia Correction

A roundtable discussion on the benefits of this...

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A Clinical Comparison of RayOne EMV and TECNIS Eyhance

A white paper summarising the initial clinical...

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RayOne EMV First International Clinical Results

This white paper summarises the initial clinical results...

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Why the RayOne Aspheric IOL is Ticking All the Boxes

Dr Thomas Reynolds (US) shares his thoughts and...

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Rayner’s ESCRS Clinical Report 2019

Eye Science written report from the ESCRS congress...

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Rayner’s ESCRS Clinical Report 2018

Eye Science written report from the ESCRS congress...

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Harnessing Big Data to Track Patient Reported Outcomes (Part 2)

A Real-World Perspective by Dr Phillips Kirk...

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Harnessing Big Data to Track Patient Reported Outcomes (Part 1)

Harnessing Big Data to Track Patient Reported Outcomes...

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The Case For Hydrophillic IOLs

Dr Ben LaHood discusses the differences between hydrophilic...

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Einführung der RayOne BLF in den klinischen Alltag

„Die Implantation dieser Linse ist durch ihre kontrollierte...

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Overcoming limitations of monofocal lenses with EDOF IOLs

Overcoming the Limitations of Conventional Monovision with New...

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Increasing the Solutions for your Cataract Patients with RayOne EMV

Mr Sundeep Kheterpal (UK), explains that while multifocal...

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An alternative to multifocal IOLs

As a practicing ophthalmologist in Argentina, Dr Josefina...

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RayOne EMV: Uncompromising Range & Quality of Vision

CAKE Magazine summarised Prof Barrett's APACRS 2023 presentation...

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RayPRO Makes PROMs Collection Easy

The online, cloud-based platform is designed to...

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Rising to the Responsibility of Ophthalmic Training

In the dynamic and evolving environment of ophthalmology,...

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Breaking the Balance:
Quantity and Quality of Vision with RayOne EMV at ESCRS 2023

Breaking the Balance: Quantity and Quality of Vision...

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The Use Of Modern IOLs in Cataract Surgery

The Use Of Modern IOLs in Cataract Surgery...

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Human-Centered Design for Effective Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures

Tracking outcomes can help clinicians improve postoperative results,...

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Evaluating The Benefits of Single-Use Ophthalmic Instrumentation

Evaluating The Benefits of Single-Use Ophthalmic Instrumentation

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EuroTimes November Industry News

Industrial leaders in ophthalmology premiered a range of...

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Rayner’s Bet on Ophthalmology’s Digital Future

As online eye care resources go parabolic, Rayner's...

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A New Era of Single-Use Instruments

How HASA OPTIX’s premium quality, precision-engineered, single-use instruments...

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Prospective multicentre evaluation assessing visual acuity and patient satisfaction in pseudophakic patients with bilaterally implanted supplementary Trifocal intraocular lens.

1 Prospective multicentre evaluation assessing visual acuity and...

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Human-Centered Design for Effective Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures

Human-Centered Design for Effective Patient-Reported Outcomes Measures

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EyeFox | Ophtalmolgisches Quartett: Die Limitationen von Multifokallinsen
Dr Breyer

Stability of hydrophilic acrylic lenses in cataract surgery combined with posterior segment surgery: 24-months follow-up

Stability of hydrophilic acrylic lenses in cataract surgery...

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Cataract Surgery and Dry Eye Disease (DED)

Cataract Surgery and Dry Eye Disease (DED)

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Evaluation of Capsular Bag-Fixated and Ciliary Sulcus-Fixated IOLs: Centration and Tilt Using Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography

Evaluation of Capsular Bag-Fixated and Ciliary Sulcus-Fixated IOLs:...

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Analysis Of The Quality And Visual Stability Of The Diffractive Trifocal Intra-Ocular Lens Rayone Trifocal® Rayner

Analysis Of The Quality And Visual Stability Of...

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Comparison of visual outcomes of a monofocal, two enhanced monofocals and two extended depth-of-focus intraocular lenses

Comparison of visual outcomes of a monofocal, two...

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Preliminary report of the visual outcomes and patient satisfaction of an enhanced monofocal IOL (RayOne EMV): A prospective multicentre study

Preliminary report of the visual outcomes and patient...

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First clinical experience with a new hydrophobic acrylic iol

First clinical experience with a new hydrophobic acrylic...

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Quantitative evaluation of microvacuole formation in five intraocular lens models made of different hydrophobic materials

Quantitative evaluation of microvacuole formation in five intraocular...

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Visual Acuity, Wavefront Aberrations, and Defocus Curves With an Enhanced Monofocal and a Monofocal Intraocular Lens: A Prospective, Randomized Study

Visual Acuity, Wavefront Aberrations, and Defocus Curves With...

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Simple method for accurate alignment in toric phakic and aphakic intraocular lens implantation

Simple method for accurate alignment in toric phakic...

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Clinical properties of a novel, glistening-free, single-piece, hydrophobic acrylic IOL

Clinical properties of a novel, glistening-free, single-piece, hydrophobic...

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Clinical outcomes and rotational stability of a 4-haptic toric intraocular lens in myopic eyes

Clinical outcomes and rotational stability of a 4-haptic...

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Comparison of the Rotational Stability of Two Toric Intraocular Lenses in 1273 Consecutive Eyes

Comparison of the Rotational Stability of Two Toric...

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Rotational Stability and Centration of a New Toric Lens Design Platform Using Objective Image Analysis Over 6 Months

Rotational Stability and Centration of a New Toric...

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Long-term biocompatibility and visual outcomes of a hydrophilic acrylic intraocular lens in patients with uveitis

Long-term biocompatibility and visual outcomes of a hydrophilic...

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Comparing capsular bag performance of a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic intraocular lens: A randomised two-centre study

Comparing capsular bag performance of a hydrophilic and...

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Reduction of Nd:YAG Capsulotomy Rates After Implantation of a Single-Piece Acrylic Hydrophilic Intraocular Lens with 360° Squared Optic Edge: 24-Month Results

Reduction of Nd:YAG Capsulotomy Rates After Implantation of...

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Dr Ben LaHood makes the case for hydrophilic IOLs

Dr Ben LaHood makes the case for hydrophilic...

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Eurotimes – What lies ahead for corneal endothelial disease treatment?

Eurotimes - What lies ahead for corneal endothelial...

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Evaluation of preloaded intraocular lens injection systems: Ex vivo study

Evaluation of preloaded intraocular lens injection systems: Ex...

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Cross-Linked Hyaluronic Acid as Tear Film Substitute

Cross-Linked Hyaluronic Acid as Tear Film Substitute

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The Cataract Patient is a Dry Eye Patient

The Cataract Patient is a Dry Eye Patient

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Ocular Surface Diseases

Ocular Surface Diseases

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Diagnosing and Treating Ocular Surface Disease in Surgical Patients

Diagnosing and Treating Ocular Surface Disease in Surgical...

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Rotational Stability of Toric Capsular Bag–Fixated Intraocular Lenses in Duet Procedure for Reversible Trifocality

Rotational Stability of Toric Capsular Bag–Fixated Intraocular Lenses...

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Reversibility of the duet procedure: Bilateral exchange of a supplementary trifocal sulcus-fixated intraocular lens for correction of a postoperative refractive error

Reversibility of the duet procedure: Bilateral exchange of...

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Considerations on the Calculation of Multifocal Duet Implantation in a Monovision Scenario for the Correction of Presbyopia – A Case Example

Considerations on the Calculation of Multifocal Duet Implantation...

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Reversible Multifokalität mit einer trifokalen additiven Intraokularlinse

Reversible Multifokalität mit einer trifokalen additiven Intraokularlinse

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Reversible Trifokalität durch das Duett-Verfahren

Reversible Trifokalität durch das Duett-Verfahren

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Visual Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction After Bilateral Sequential Implantation of a Capsular Bag IOL and a Supplementary Sulcus-Fixated Trifocal IOL

Visual Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction After Bilateral Sequential...

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Clinical Outcomes in Patients After Duet Procedure for Reversible Trifocality Using a Supplementary Trifocal Intraocular Lens

Clinical Outcomes in Patients After Duet Procedure for...

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Myope multifokale Duett-Implantation zur Korrektur von Presbyopie und Myopie

Myope multifokale Duett-Implantation zur Korrektur von Presbyopie und...

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Trifocality Achieved Through Polypseudophakia: Optical Quality and Light Loss Compared With a Single Trifocal Intraocular Lens

Trifocality Achieved Through Polypseudophakia: Optical Quality and Light...

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Capsular bag–fixated and ciliary sulcus-fixated intraocular lens centration after supplementary intraocular lens implantation in the same eye

Capsular bag–fixated and ciliary sulcus-fixated intraocular lens centration...

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Visual and refractive outcomes after implantation of two models of trifocal intraocular lenses in eyes with previous corneal ablation to treat hyperopia

Visual and refractive outcomes after implantation of two...

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RayOne trifocal toric – A new IOL that checks all the boxes.

RayOne trifocal toric - A new IOL that...

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Visual performance and impact of residual refractive errors with trifocal intraocular lenses of different aspheric design

Visual performance and impact of residual refractive errors...

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Prospective Comparison of Clinical Performance and Subjective Outcomes Between Two Diffractive Trifocal Intraocular Lenses in Bilateral Cataract Surgery

Prospective Comparison of Clinical Performance and Subjective Outcomes...

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Visual Performance of Two Diffractive Trifocal Intraocular Lenses: A Randomized Trial

Visual Performance of Two Diffractive Trifocal Intraocular Lenses:...

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Comparison of clinical outcomes of 3 trifocal IOLs

Comparison of clinical outcomes of 3 trifocal IOLs

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Comparison of clinical performance and subjective outcomes between two diffractive trifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) and one monofocal IOL in bilateral cataract surgery

Comparison of clinical performance and subjective outcomes between...

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RayOne EMV Toric First-in-Eye Multicentre Real World Clinical Results

RayOne EMV Toric First-in-Eye Multicentre Real World Clinical...

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Dott Claudio Carbonara RayOne EMV: Outcome Clinico e Aspettative
Dott Claudio Carbonara


Webinar: A monofocal IOL providing extended range of vision to patients
Mr Barsam


Dr Stork – Retour d’expérience avec RayOne Toric
Dr Stork


Dr Combes – Retour d’expérience Chirurgie DUET Sulcoflex Trifocal
Dr Combes


Dr Lignereux – Retour d’expérience avec RayOne EMV
Dr Lignereux


Silmäkirurgi Kaijanen jakaa kokemuksensa RayOne EMV stä
Silmäkirurgi Kaijanen


Dr Kaijanen’s experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Kaijanen


Mr Lindfield: RayOne EMV – Why? Why not?
Mr Lindfield


Ms Pelosini’s Real World Experience with RayOne EMV & Trifocal IOLs
Ms Pelosini


Dr Mouchel Partage son expérience avec RayOne EMV et RayOne EMV Toric
Dr Partage


Mr Mantry on Rayner IOLs and Over 300 RayOne EMV Implantations
Mr Mantry


Dr Lin Discusses RayOne EMV and Managing Astigmatism
Dr Lin


Dr Wlaź: Influence of Spherical Aberration on the Future of Cataract Surgery
Dr Wlaź


Rayner Symposium: ARI 2023
Prof Auffarth, Dr Alió, Dr Breyer, Dr Bostanci, Mr Barsam, Dr Portero & Dr Royo


Dr Markuszewski: Badania z soczewką RayOne EMV we Wrocławskim Centrum Okulistycznym
Dr Markuszewski


Dr Amr Saad discusses study results with RayOne EMV
Dr Amr Saad


Mr Mantry: How Spherical Aberration is Shaping the Future of Refractive Surgery
Mr Mantry


Mr Nanavaty’s Tips & Tricks on Toric IOLs
Mr Nanavaty


Dr Kahraman Shares Insights on Sulcoflex
Dr Kahraman


Mr Ursell: 75th IOL Implantation Anniversary & A Digital Future
Mr Ursell


BoothBuzz | Ms Lucia Pelosini: Clinical Outcomes with RayOne Toric
Ms Pelosini


BoothBuzz | Dr Ben LaHood: The Case for Hydrophilic IOL materials
Dr LaHood


BoothBuzz | Mr Allon Barsam: Comparing RayOne EMV & AcrySof IQ Vivity in a Large Cohort
Mr Barsam


BoothBuzz | Dra Josefina Botta: My Clinical Results with RayOne EMV & RayOne EMV Toric
Dra Botta


BoothBuzz | Dr Cyres Mehta: My Experience with RayOne EMV & RayOne Trifocal
Dr Mehta


BoothBuzz | Dr Roger Zaldivar: The Modern Practice Experience
Dr Zaldivar


Prof Sekundo’s Experience with Reper’s Artificial Iris
Prof Walter Sekundo


Dr Armia’s Experience with the RayOne platform
Dr Armia


Dr Matteo Forlini Discusses the Reper Artificial Iris
Dr Forlini


Dr Chiu’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Chiu


Prof Khoramnia’s Experience with Sulcoflex
Prof Khoramnia


Dr Yeo’s Latest Findings in the RayOne EMV Case Study
Dr Yeo


Prof Mrukwa-Kominek: Sulcoflex Jako Rozwiązanie Niespodzianek Refrakcyjnych
Prof Mrukwa-Kominek


Dr Dmitriew Opowiada o Rewolucji w Chirurgii Zaćmy Dzięki Soczewce Monofokalnej
Dr Dmitriew


Dr Kardaszewska, dlaczego kliniki OCHO interesują się soczewką RayOne EMV?
Dr Kardaszewska


Ms Rampat Discusses Sustainability in Ophthalmology
Ms Rampat


Ms Thomson on Managing Dry Eye Disease Pre-and Post-Surgery
Ms Thomson


Mr Moore on Achieving Extended Depth of Focus for Patients with RayOne EMV
Mr Moore


Mr Stuart Shares Experience with RayOne EMV & RayOne Trifocal
Mr Stuart


Mr Poole on RayOne EMV, Astigmatism Management & the RayOne Injector
Mr Poole


Prof Mehdi Shajari im Interview zu RayOne EMV
Prof Mehdi Shajari


Dr Salazar teilt seine Erfahrung mit RayOne Trifocal
Dr Salazar


Professor Sai Kolli’s Experience with RayOne Trifocal
Professor Kolli


Mr Nagendran’s Experience with RayOne IOLs
Mr Nagendran


Ms Morjaria’s Experience with RayOne Aspheric
Ms Morjaria


Professor Sai Kolli’s Experience with the RayOne Platform
Professor Kolli


Professor Sai Kolli’s Experience with RayOne Toric
Professor Kolli


Ms Navpreet Dhillon’s Experience with RayOne Toric
Ms Dhillon


Dr Kardaszewska: Precision lens calculation with RayOne EMV (Part 1)
Dr Kardaszewska


2023 AUSCRS Presentation on RayOne EMV
Prof Barrett, Dr Ribeiro, Dr Stonecipher, Dr Gatinel, Dr Cleary, Dr Corbett & Dr Harrisberg


Rayner’s ESCRS Symposium 2023 Video Highlights
Prof Barrett, Dr Gatinel, Prof Findl & Mr Barsam


Dr Kardaszewska: Precision lens calculation with RayOne EMV (Part 2)
Dr Kardaszewska


Dr. Bastos fala sobre sua experiência com as lentes RayOne EMV de Rayner
Dr Bastos


Dr. Neves fala sobre sua experiência com as lentes RayOne EMV de Rayner
Dr Neves


Rayner DOC 2023 Symposium
Dr Holland, Dr Breyer, Prof Findl, Dr Formanek, Prof Auffarth & Dr Kröncke


La experiencia de Dra. Laura Escudero con las lentes trifocales RayOne y Sulcoflex
Dra Escudero


Drs. Cezón y Royo: Oftalmólogos eligen RayOne EMV para su cirugía refractiva personal
Drs Cezón y Royo


38º Congreso SECOIR: Dr. Humberto Carreras comenta el evento
Dr Carreras


38º Congreso de la SECOIR: Dr. Alfonso comparte sus impresiones acerca del evento
Dr Alfonso


38º Congreso SECOIR: Prof. Luis Fernández-Vega sobre el evento
Dr Fernández-Vega


38º Congreso SECOIR: Dr. Bescos comenta el role de la Fundación SECOIR
Dr Bescos


La experiencia de Dr. Manuel González de la Ballina con las lentes RayOne EMV
Dr González de la Ballina


Dra. Margarita Cabanás: Cómo el 38º Congreso SECOIR puede impulsar la cirugía refractiva
Dra Cabanás


ESCRS 2023: Prof Michael Amon Pre-Live Surgery
Prof Amon


Prof Dirisamer and Eric T’Scharner on Single-Use Instrument Excellence
Prof Dirisamer & Eric T'Scharner


Rayner’s ESCRS 2023 Symposium
Prof Barrett, Prof Findl, Dr Gatinel & Mr Barsam


Dr Schmickler teilt Ihre Erfahrung mit der RayOne BLF auf der DOC 2022
Dr Schmickler


UK Webinar: Managing Patient Pre-Op Conversations with Premium IOLs
Mr Rosen, Mr Turnbull & Mr Barsam


Dr Nankani’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Nankani


ASCRS 2023: Dr Rocha & Dr Alterman share their insights on RayOne EMV
Dr Rocha & Dr Alterman


Prof Mayer berichtet über seine Erfahrungen mit Rayner Produktion
Prof Mayer


Dr Dmitriew’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Dmitriew


Dr Torres On Improving Patient Outcomes Through Big Data with RayPRO
Dr Torres


Dr Volkan Hürmeriç discusses RayOne EMV
Dr Volkan Hürmeriç


Dr Botta’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Botta


Mr Barua’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Mr Barua


Mr Turnbull Discusses RayOne EMV in Comparison to Multifocal IOLs
Mr Turnbull


Dr Endl’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Endl


APAO 2023: Advanced Technology For Enhanced Visual Outcomes
APAO 2023


Webinar on the First-in-Eye Results with RayOne EMV Toric
Mr Allon Barsam, Prof Gerd Auffarth & Dr Andrzej Dmitriew


Mr Turnbull presents on ‘The Road To EMV: How Did We Get To Enhanced Monovision?’
Mr Turnbull


RayOne EMV, a New Versatile IOL for Your Premium Patients
Dr Thompson, Dr Jerry Hu & Dr George


Dr Schmickler’s Experience with AEON Eye drops
Dr Schmickler


“My Next Ophthalmologist Needs No Introduction” with Dr Stonecipher (Ep3)
Dr Stonecipher, Dr Karolinne Rocha & Dr George Waring


Mr Barua Presents on Spherical Aberration: Shaping the Future of Refractive Surgery
Mr Barua


Rayner’s APACRS 2023 Symposium: Extending Range of Vision with Advanced Technology IOLs
Prof Barrett, Prof Ribeiro, Prof Findl & Dr Yuan Keo


“My Next Ophthalmologist Needs No Introduction” with Dr Stonecipher (Ep2)
Dr Stonecipher & Prof Barrett


Rayner ESCRS 2022 Symposium: Challenges in Cataract Surgery and Advanced Technology IOLs
Prof Findl, Mr Barsam, Dr Bostanci, Dr Ferreira & Prof Auffarth


Dr Bostanci’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Bostanci


Dr Wendelstein im Interview zu Torischen IOLs auf der DOC 2023
Dr Wendelstein


Prof Dirisamer berichtet über seine Erfahrugen mit Rayner und warum er HASA OPTIX
Prof Dirisamer


Dr Holland berichtet über RayOne EMV live von der DOC 2023
Dr Holland


Prof Formanek berichtet über Ihre Erfahrungen mit RayOne EMV live von der DOC 2023
Prof Formanek


Dr Ceo’s Experience with RayOne Trifocal and RayOne Toric
Dr Ceo


Dr McCabe on the Advantages of HASA OPTIX
Dr McCabe


Symposium: Trifocal Technology and Sulcoflex Supplementary IOLs
Dr Piovella, Dr Kohnen, Dr Schweitzer, Mr Barsam, Prof Mrukwa-Kominek, Dr Bernabéu & Prof Amon


Comparing the RayOne Trifocal IOL With Competitors by Prof Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek
Prof Mrukwa-Kominek


Symposium: RayOne Hydrophobic Implantation
Prof Kohnen


Trifocal IOL User Meeting in Seoul: Clinical Expertise and Experience with RayOne Trifocal


Dr Katz’s Experience with RayOne Trifocal
Dr Katz


Dr Monteiro’s Experience with RayOne Trifocal
Dr Monteiro


Dr Ferreira’s Experience with RayOne Trifocal
Dr Ferreira


Dr Tavares Comparte sus Experiencias con Lentes de Rayner: Sulcoflex Trifocal
Dr Tavares


Dr Stuart’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Stuart


Dr Krassin’s Experience with RayPRO and RayOne
Dr Krassin


Dr Kirk’s Experience with RayPRO
Dr Kirk


Dr Schimitzek über RayPRO
Dr Schimitzek


Dr Lutz Blomberg stellt RayOne EMV und RayOne EMV Toric vor
Dr Blomberg


Prof Auffarth Spricht über die RayOne EMV Toric
Prof Auffart


Dr Pascal Rozot en direct avec RayOne EMV Toric et Ophteis Fr PRO
Dr Rozot


DOC 2022 Rayner Breakfast Symposium
Prof Findl, Prof Auffarth, Dr Schimitzek & Dr Schultz


An Unscripted Global Discussion on Premium Monofocal IOLs
Prof Auffarth, Mr Barsam, Dr Buratto, Dr Domingues, Dr Stonecipher & Mr Stuart


Webinar: Resultados com RayOne EMV Após um ano
Dr Yogi, Dr Ferreira & Dr Domingues


AICCER 2022: RayOne EMV Live Surgery
Dr Franchini, Dr Carones, Dr Beni, Dr Cantagalli & Dr Sciacca


Prof Barrett “The Best of Both Worlds” IOL
Prof Barrett


Prof Amon’s Experience with RayOne Trifocal
Prof Amon


Dr Fernández’s Experience with RayOne Trifocal
Dr Fernández


Mr Barsam’s Experience with RayOne Trifocal
Mr Barsam


Dr Markuszewskiego Doświadczenie z RayOne EMV
Dr Markuszewskiego Doświadczenie


Mr Barua’s Experience with AEON Eye drops
Mr Barua


Ms Laginaf’s Experience with AEON Eye drops
Ms Laginaf


Experiência do Dr Monteiro com o RayOne Trifocal
Dr Monteiro


AICCER 2022 Pre-Live Surgery
Dr Franchini, Dr Carones, Dr Beni, Dr Cantagalli & Dr Sciacca


Dr Wiley’s Experience with RayOne Aspheric
Dr Wiley


Dr Wiley’s early experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Wiley


Dr Fernando Llovet con las lentes intraoculares RayOne Trifocal
Dr Llovet


Webinar: De Vuelta al Trabajo con LIO Premium
Dr Llovet, Dr Croce & Dr Cortina


Webinar: Retornando ao trabalho com LIOs Premium
Dr. Ferreira, Dr. Moreira & Dr. Carvalho Jr.


Presbyopiekorrektur – die Richtige IOL für Patienten
Dr. med. Khoramnia


DUET Verfahren für Presbyopie, Katarakt und Pseudophakie
Dr Kotomin


Erweiterte Schärfentiefe mit Mini-Monovision
Prof. Dr. med. Scheider & Dr. med. Meinhold-Heerlein


Il Dr Guido Prigione Condivide i Suoi Pensieri su RayOne EMV al SOI Congres
Dr Prigione


Dr Antonio Friande Discute a IOL Monofocal Melhorada com EMV RayOne
Dr Friande


Dr Pedro Brito Fala Sobre a sua Experiência com o RayOne EMV IOL
Dr Brito


Esclusivo Incontro di Chirurghi a Palermo, Sicilia
Dr Buratto & Dr Spedale


Incontro di Formazione Oftalmica a Bologna, Italia
Dr Buratto, Dr Spedale & Dr Savini


Rayner RayOne EMV – Das erweiterte Plus bei den Monofokalen
Prof Auffarth


RayOne EMV: Esperienze a Confronto Webinar
Dr. Buratto, Dr Cantagalli, Dr Prigione & Dr Spedale


Interview mit Prof Michael Amon – Erfinder der Sulcoflex-Plattform
Prof Amon


LIOs Premium: Un Paciente, una Lente Premium
Dr Llovet


Prof Findl Spicht über Enhanced Monofokale Linsen wie die RayOne EMV
Prof Findl


Dr Holland zu Seinen Erfahrungen mit Sulcoflex Trifocal und RayOne EMV
Dr Holland


Prof Auffarth über Sulcoflex und Seine Kürzlich Veröffentlichte Studie im AJO
Prof Auffarth


Prof Auffarth Berichtet über Seine Erfahrung mit RayOne EMV
Prof Auffarth


Dr Wendelstein über Trends in der Kataraktchirurgie
Dr Wendelstein


Prof Auffarth stellt Patientenfall mit Wunsch nach Brillenfreiheit bei Eyefox vor
Prof Auffarth


Dr Spedale Condivide la sua Esperienza con RayOne Hydrophobic lenses
Dr Spedale


El Dr Julio Ortega-Usobiaga nos Cuenta su Experiencia con RayOne Trifocal
Dr Ortega-Usobiaga


Webinar: Katarakt Chirurgie im klinischen Alltag
Dr. Schmickler, Dr. Frisch & Dr. Renieri


Dra Pérez Comparte sus Experiencias con las Lentes de Rayner: RayOne Trifocal
Dra Pérez


Dr Portero Comparte sus Experiencias con las lentes de Rayner: RayOne Trifocal
Dr Portero


Dr Duarte Comparte sus Experiencias con las Lentes de Rayner: RayOne Trifocal
Dr Duarte


Dr Andrzej Dmitriew na Mojej Drodze z RayOne EMV
Dr Dmitriew


Prof Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek – Szolenie z Soczewki RayOne Trifocal
Prof. Ewa Mrukwa-Kominek


Dr François-Xavier Crahay (Belgique) Partage son Expérience avec l’implant RayOne EMV
Dr Crahay


Patientengeschichten, Die es wert sind Gehört zu Werden
Dr Albert Dichtl


Youssef Botros über die Vorteile Unseres Injektorsystem
Youssef Botros


Dr Dichtl zu Seiner Langjährigen Erfahrung mit Rayner und die RayOne EMV
Dr Dichtl


Dr Breyer zu RayOne EMV
Dr Breyer


Dr Suphi Taneri zu Sulcoflex
Dr Taneri


Prof Auffarth und Jörg Iwanczuk im Webinar zu Astigmatismus Korrektur mit RayOne EMV
Prof Auffarth & Jörg Iwanczuk


Dr Donnenfeld Selects Sustainability with HASA OPTIX
Dr Donnenfeld


Dr Donnenfeld Discusses Simplifying Eye Surgery with HASA OPTIX
Dr Donnenfeld


Dr Donnenfeld discusses the quality and precision of HASA OPTIX
Dr Donnenfeld


Ms Laginaf’s Experience with HASA OPTIX
Ms Laginaf


RayOne Trifocal First Implantations by Professor Oliver Findl
Prof Findl


1 Month Clinical Results With the RayOne Hydrophobic IOL by Cedric Schweitzer
Dr Schweitzer


Dr Mun Wai Lee discusses RayOne EMV
Dr Mun Wai Lee


Webinar: Toric IOLs in the Private Sector
Mr Hamid, Mr Mantry, Ms Pelosini and Mr Barua


FacoElche 2022: De La Calidad Óptica A La Satisfacción Del Paciente III


Prof Amon & Dr Wendelstein’s Share Tips & Tricks to Enhance the Use of Sulcoflex
Prof Amon & Dr Wendelstein


La Dra Amina El Rubaidi García Comparte su Experiencia con RayOne EMV
Dra El Rubaidi García


Prof Amon unveils the concept behind Sulcoflex
Prof Amon


Dr Burratto’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Burratto


Dr Portero Comparte sus Experiencias con las Lentes de Rayner: RayOne EMV
Dr Portero


La Dra Josefina Botta habla de su Experiencia Trabajando con Rayner
Dra Botta


Dale un Knock Out a la Presbicia con las Lentes de RayOne
Dr. Rodríguez


Hablando con la Profesora Mariano Royo sobre RayOne EMV
Profesora Royo


Seminario Web RayOne EMV Fuera del Horario de Atención
Dr. Royo & Ángel Jiménez López


RayOne EMV ile Cerrahide Ilk Deneyimler


Cómo la Dra Josefina Botta usa RayOne EMV con sus Pacientes
Dra Botta


Seminario web sobre RayOne EMV
Dr Coloma, Prof. Dr Ferreira, Dr Bilbao & Dr Alba


Symposium: Sulcoflex Trifocal: History, Technique, and Preliminary Results
Prof Amon


Presentation: Results Over Cost, The Importance of Embracing New Technologies
Dr Piovella


Presentation: The Importance of Patient Selection by Dr Bernabéu
Dr Bernabéu


Symposium: Visual Outcomes With the RayOne Trifocal IOL
Mr Barsam


Webinar: Returning to work with Premium IOLs plus RayPRO
Mr Barsam, Prof Amon & Mr Morris


Webinar: Premium IOLs & RayPRO
Dr Al-Arfaj & Prof Amon


Dr Domingues’ Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Domingues


Mr Barsam’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Mr Barsam


Webinar: Early Outcomes with RayOne EMV
Dr Kirk, Dr Thompson, Dr Wiley & Dr Weinstock


Webinar: A Conversation About Premium Monofocals
Mr Rosen, Dr Cummings, Mr Ball, and Mr Stuart


Dr Friande Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Friande


Dr Brito’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Brito


Continuing The Conversation On Premium Monofocal IOLs
Mr Stuart, Dr Cummings, Mr Girgis, & Mr Kheterpal


RayOne EMV webinar: A new versatile IOL for your premium patients
Dr Stonecipher, Dr Tyson & Dr Krall


Webinar: A New Direction in Presbyopia Correction with RayOne EMV
Mr Stuart, Dr D'Souza, Dr Nivean, & Dr Paul


The Ophthalmologist interview with Mr Stuart on RayOne EMV
Mr Stuart


Mr Kheterpal’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Mr Kheterpal


Dr Zaldivar’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Zaldivar


Dr Krüger’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Krüger


Mr Amir Hamid on ‘Choosing The Right IOL’
Mr Amir Hamid


Dr Donnenfeld and Dr Hu on their RayOne EMV Billing Packages
Dr Donnenfeld & Dr Hu


Prof Amon’s Experience with the Sulcoflex Trifocal IOL
Prof Amon


Brazil Webinar: Results of RayOne EMV, One Year Later
Dr Milton Yogi, Dr Tiago Ferreira & Dr Manuel Domingues


A Patient’s Experience with RayOne EMV: Cathy Skrede


Prof Findl Discusses Monofocal Plus IOLs at the 2022 DOC Congress
Prof Findl


A Patient’s Experience with RayOne EMV: Alice Darmody


“My Next Ophthalmologist Needs No Introduction” with Dr Stonecipher (Ep1)
Dr Stonecipher & Dr Trattler


Dr Shroff’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Shroff


Dr Holland’s Experience with Sulcoflex and RayOne EMV Toric
Dr Holland


Dr Häusler’s Experience with Sulcoflex
Dr Häusler


Dr Schimitzek’s Experience with RayPRO
Dr Schimitzek


Dr Kuan’s Clinical Study with RayOne EMV
Dr Kuan


Dr Wendelstein’s Experience with Sulcoflex
Dr Wendelstein


Mr Turnbull’s Experience with RayOne EMV & RayOne EMV Toric
Mr Turnbull


Dr Breyer’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Breyer


Dr Crahay’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Crahay


Prof Amon & Dr. Wendelstein’s Share Tips & Tricks to Enhance the Use of Sulcoflex
Prof Amon & Dr. Wendelstein


Dr Suhas Haldipurkar’s Experience with RayOne EMV
Dr Haldipurkar