RAYNER WEBINAR | RayPro: Telehealth Solution for Patient Data
Posted on 4/06/2020
Rayner hosted its first surgeon clinical education webinar on 27 May 2020, with attendees from over 47 countries. Over the course of one hour, the three presenters spoke about returning to clinic (including associated safety precautions), their experience with premium trifocal IOLs, and the utilisation of contactless telehealth.
The webinar was concluded with a busy Q&A session, after which 97% of delegates reported learning something new.
MR ALLON BARSAM (Moderator) / RayOne Trifocal & RayOne Trifocal Toric
Mr Allon Barsam (UK) shared his experience with nearly 300 RayOne Trifocal implantations since its launch in 2017 – reporting a high percentage of patients achieving 6/6 distance vision and spectacle independence for reading. Mr Barsam was also the world’s first surgeon to implant RayOne Trifocal Toric in July 2019, and presented his early results for 20 eyes. All eyes were within ±0.50 D of emmetropia and 0.75 D Cylinder correction, with a high patient satisfaction rate.
Access Mr Allon Barsam’s presentation video here.
Learn more about RayOne Trifocal & RayOne Trifocal Toric:
PROFESSOR MICHAEL AMON / Sulcoflex Trifocal & DUET procedure
Professor Michael Amon (Austria) provided an overview of the Sulcoflex Trifocal supplementary IOL and DUET procedure. Professor Amon developed the original Sulcoflex IOL platform in collaboration with Rayner in 2007; there is now 13 years’ follow up data showing patient safety in a variety of indications.
Results from a study with 40 eyes undergoing the Sulcoflex Trifocal DUET procedure since its launch in 2018 shows very good performance at six months’ follow up, with excellent visual acuity at all distances and no surgical or postoperative complications. Professor Amon also shared favourable results from the optical bench, indicating negligible light loss with two intraocular lenses implanted (primary and sulcus) compared to that of a single capsular bag IOL.
Access Professor Michael Amon’s presentation video here.
Learn more about the Sulcoflex Trifocal and DUET procedure:
- Rayner’s Trifocal
- sulcoflex.com/sulcoflex-trifocal-duet-procedure/
- theophthalmologist.com/business-profession/a-total-iol-solution
Mr Andrew Morris (UK) shared his experience with the RayPRO contactless telehealth solution, which provides patient reported outcomes (PROs) data for up to three years following cataract surgery.
RayPRO sends patients five questionnaires over three years and surgeons are able to review aggregated patient feedback in real time via their own personal dashboard. Mr Morris spoke about how he introduces RayPRO to his patients and gains their consent during the pre-operative consultation. He then quickly and conveniently registers his patients on the mobile app “in between cases”. Mr Morris shared screenshots of his RayPRO data, including spectacle independence at three months’ postoperative, and described the system as “easy to use”.
Access Mr Andrew Morris’s presentation video here.
Learn more about RayPRO:
- In case of further questions or to request a call from a Rayner Representative, please email iolenquiries@rayner.com or call +44 (0) 1903 854 560