COVID-19 Rayner Announcement
Posted on 20/03/2020
Dear All,
I want to reassure you in these uncertain times.
Rayner is very fortunate to operate globally and in an industry which is critical. Despite the worsening situation in Europe and the Americas we are thankfully seeing improvements in Asia. Several large markets are operating relatively unaffected. Despite the turmoil that we see on the news every night our business remains heathy and growing year on year.
However, we cannot be complacent. It is critical that we keep the wheels turning on our business to satisfy the demand for our products. For that reason, we have implemented several programmes to isolate shifts, segregate workers, restrict visitors, heighten our cleaning regime, enforce a strict isolation policy and stop overseas and unnecessary travel for our employees. At the moment we have no confirmed cases of Covid19 within our company but of course that could change which is why we have a robust plan to disinfect our facility and return it to production within a short period.
One of our core strategies has been to develop a robust and thin supply chain which benefits us enormously in these times. We have substantial raw material supplies bolstered by our recent Brexit planning. Our latest production remains at 1 million lens run rate with normal inventories and we do not foresee any supply problems.
My number one priority is to continue to support surgeons and hospitals through this period. In fact, we continue to strengthen our teams to ensure that when normality resumes (hopefully within 6 weeks like China) Rayner retains all our expertise and the fire power to help our many customers serve their backlog of delayed patients.
Our thoughts and support go to those clinicians and patients most affected by this pandemic. Character is defined during difficult periods and it is an inspiration for us all to see the commitment and dedication displayed all over the world by those battling this disease on the front line.
Tim Clover
Rayner CEO