
Rayner Group Patents

The following products are protected by U.S. patents as indicated below. This webpage is provided to give notice and satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of 35 U.S.C. § 287(a). The following list of products may not be all inclusive, and other products not listed here may be protected by one or more US patents or patents pending. Any omission from this page does not constitute a waiver of any and all intellectual property rights that Rayner Group has established in any of its products.

RayOne EMV®

  • US Patent 9901441
  • US Patent 11744698

RayOne Trifocal®

  • US Patent 10463474
  • US Patent 11029536
  • US Patent 10524899


  • US Patent 9066856
  • US Patent 9486406
  • US Patent 9855246
  • US Patent 11234965


  • US Patent 11786398
  • US Patent 11793921