Rayner recognised as top performing mid-market company in Sussex
Posted on 1/02/2016
Rayner, the pioneering manufacturer of intraocular lenses for cataract surgery, has been named as one of the country’s top ten companies in achieving sustained growth in international turnover.
Accountancy and business advisory firm BDO LLP’s analysis of the mid-market (companies with turnover between £10 m – 300 m) has shown that Rayner is one of Sussex’s success stories, reporting impressive profit growth during the last three years.
Jeff Harris, Corporate Finance Partner at BDO in Gatwick comments “Mid-market companies are driving growth in Sussex and are crucial to our economic recovery. Rayner is a great example of a business like that, led by a strong management team, continues to embrace market opportunities and is well positioned to take advantage of the economic upswing.”
“Rayner has always had a strong historical connection with Sussex. In fact, when Rayner manufactured the world’s first sight-restoring intraocular lens (IOL) in 1949, the company had its instrument workshop in Brighton. 65 years later, we now sell to over 70 countries and remain at the forefront of innovation. This award is a testament to expanding Rayner’s product availability in both new and existing markets.” said Rayner CEO, Tim Clover.
For more information about Rayner and our international product availability please visit: https://rayner.com/us/en/global-presence
Rayner CEO Tim Clover and CFO Darren Millington.