
Voluntary recall January 2016

Posted on 6/01/2016

Voluntary Recall January 2016. Since 1950 Rayner has been known for high levels of product quality, a record of which we are proud. Our own internal limits are often set in excess of those demanded by regulator...

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Refractive Surprise; The Big Taboo: Education Supplement

Posted on 17/11/2015

Professor Rudy Nuijts, Professor Mats Lundstrӧm, Professor James Wolffsohn, Professor Michael Amon, Mr Allon Barsam and Dr Tiago Ferreira made up the panel of presenters for the Symposium ‘Refractive Surprise; The Big Taboo’ -...

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Rayner ESCRS highlights – what surgeons are saying about their experience with Rayner IOLs

Posted on 3/11/2015

The 2015 meeting of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS) held in Barcelona, Spain, featured a number of presentations describing surgeons’ experience with Rayner’s portfolio of lenses including the

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Rayner educates the next generation of surgeons at the recent premium IOL Wetlab event

Posted on 28/10/2015

Professor Oliver Findl, Dr Nino Hirnschall and Professor Michael Amon hosted Rayner’s recent DFP-certified Premium IOL Wetlab event in Vienna, Austria in September 2015.

The group of enthusiastic junior surgeons were exposed to a ...

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Video: Refractive Surprises – are they really taboo?

Posted on 27/10/2015

Professor Rudy Nuijts (The Netherlands) and Professor James Wolffsohn (United Kingdom) – speakers on the panel at Rayner’s 2015 ESCRS Educational Symposium ‘Refractive Surprise; the Big Taboo’ – as well as Drs Mark...

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Customer service in focus at Rayner

Posted on 14/10/2015

Enhancing the customer journey was a strong motivation for the transformation of Rayner’s Customer Service function over the last 12 months, so the recent ‘National Customer Service Week’ official event provided an excel...

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Video: Rayner’s recently acquired Ophteis OVD range and what this means for cataract surgery

Posted on 9/10/2015

Professor Steve Arshinoff discusses the importance of viscoelastic in cataract surgery at Rayner's Ophteis Acquisitio...

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‘Refractive Surprise; The Big Taboo’ – ESCRS event summary

Posted on 29/09/2015

Prof. Rudy Nuijts introduced and moderated the Rayner 2015 ESCRS Satellite Symposium featuring the topic of refractive surprise.

Prof. Nuijts, highlighted that refractive surprise is a serious challenge in cataract and refrac...

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Rayner announces ESCRS celebratory event on Sunday 6th September to mark recent Ophteis OVD acquisition

Posted on 2/09/2015

Rayner will be hosting a very special ESCRS event to mark the recent acquisition of the Ophteis OVD portfolio.

Professor Steve Arshinoff and Rayner CEO Tim Clover will make a short speech before inviting guests to join the celebration w...

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Rayner-sponsored charity earns television exposure on world current affairs program

Posted on 10/09/2013

‘Good news, good news, good news! IMPACT’s Jibon Tari Floating Hospital has moored here in Kaliganj!’ A young man rides a bike around a village making this announcement from his

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