Rayner: Leading the way to offer more patients a trifocal solution. Surgeon panel discussion on RayOne Trifocal and the new Sulcoflex Trifocal.
Posted on 3/07/2018
A Satellite Symposium sponsored by Rayner at the 2018 ESCRS on Sunday 23rd September at 1pm
Professor Oliver Findl, Dr Tiago Ferreira, Professor Michael Amon, Dr Alessandro Mularoni, Dr Fernando Llovet-Osuna and Dr Martin Kacerovsky complete the panel of speakers for the Rayner-sponsored satellite symposium ‘Rayner: Leading the way to offer more patients a trifocal solution’ at the 36th ESCRS in Vienna on Sunday 23rd September.
In anticipation of a Rayner Sulcoflex Trifocal IOL becoming imminently available, enquiries have already been coming in about this highly anticipated product. In response, surgeons will be pleased to learn that a segment dedicated to the new Sulcoflex Trifocal IOL has been incorporated into the symposium program.
The topic of Rayner Trifocal solutions will be explored through the following presentations:
Prof Michael Amon (Austria) ESCRS board member. Topic: Early results from the new Sulcoflex Trifocal
Dr Tiago Ferreira (Portugal) Topic: RayOne Trifocal comparison and patient satisfaction study
Dr Alessandro Mularoni (Italy) Topic: RayOne Trifocal outcomes
Dr Fernando Llovet-Osuna (Spain) – Head of the largest clinic chain in Europe: Clinic – Spain, Co-Founder Baviera Group. Topic: 150 RayOne Trifocal outcomes and premium lenses in the Baviera Clinic
Prof Oliver Findl (Chair – Austria) – Secretary of ESCRS. Topic: Introduction to Rayner Trifocal technology and early results from RayOne Trifocal vs Zeiss AT LISA comparison study
Prof Oliver Findl (Chair – Austria) – Secretary of ESCRS. Topic: Introduction to Rayner Trifocal technology and early results from RayOne Trifocal vs Zeiss AT LISA comparison study
To wrap-up the presentations there will be a Q&A session, for which surgeons already have the opportunity to put forward any questions in advance of the symposium with regards to the new Sulcoflex Trifocal IOL: marketingteam@rayner.com Date & Time: Sunday 23rd September at 1pm Venue: Room A5, The Reed Meese, Vienna, Austria.