
Making learning easier for our global surgeon: The launch of Rayner.com/IT

Posted on 18/11/2016

Italian-speaking surgeons can now find a solution to their needs more efficiently and with greater ease thanks to the launch of an Italian translation of our global website www.staging.rayner.com....

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Warren Hill presents the 2016 Rayner Medal Lecture: ‘Improving intraocular lens power calculations’

Posted on 4/11/2016

The honour of presenting the 2016 Rayner Medal Lecture was awarded to Dr Warren Hill and as UKISCRS Secretary Satis...

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“Customer Service: It’s not just a department, its a company attitude”

Posted on 31/10/2016

To mark the recent Annual National Customer Service Week Event, Rayner Employees were given the opportunity to shadow a member of the 9-strong international Customer Service team for an afternoon. This provided an ideal setting...

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Rayner acquires Moorfields Pharmaceuticals

Posted on 3/10/2016

Rayner announced today that it has acquired Moorfields Pharmaceuticals.

The acquisition closed September 30, 2016.

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The global launch of RayOne: Over 320 surgeons participate in product demonstrations.

Posted on 20/09/2016

The new-look Rayner booth -- designed specifically with RayOne® demos in mind -- was inundated with traffic. Surgeons clamored to experience the highly anticipated, fully preloaded IOL injection system at the recent XXXIV Congres...

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The smallest Fully Preloaded IOL incision. Rayner set to launch RayOne at the upcoming ESCRS.

Posted on 1/09/2016

Rayner are proud to announce the launch of RayOne®: their fully preloaded IOL injection system to be unveiled at the upcoming ESCRS in Copenhagen, following the recent receipt of ...

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Rayner continues growth in Europe. Part three: Direct presence in Spain

Posted on 25/08/2016

Rayner is pleased to announce its direct entry into the Spanish cataract market.

The entire Rayner IOL & i...

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Outcome Excellence in Cataract Surgery. A Satellite Symposium Sponsored by Rayner at the 2016 ESCRS

Posted on 3/08/2016

Dr Steve Arshinoff, Mr Sathish Srinivasan and Mr Manyank Nanavaty complete the panel of speakers for the Rayner-sponsored satellite symposium ‘Outcome Excellence in Cataract Surgery’ at the XXXIV ESCRS in Copenhagen, 10-14 Sep...

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Rayner continues growth in Europe with direct presence in Italy

Posted on 6/07/2016

Rayner is pleased to announce its direct entry into the Italian cataract market.

The entire Rayner IOL & injector portf...

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Commitment to education continues with The XVI Rayner Forum

Posted on 5/07/2016

Hosted by Professor Oliver Findl, from the Hanusch Hospital in Vienna, the XVI Rayner Forum centred around a theme of “Innovations and Controversies in Op...

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